Monday, October 16, 2017

It can wait.

I am gonna tell you a little story and also hope to teach you a lesson at the same time.

We all know that being a stay at home mom is by far not the easiest job in the world.

Well, last week..I got my children bundled up to walk up to the bus stop to get my daughter off to school. My son and I come back home, I put him on the living room floor to play with his toys while I go to the kitchen and put his waffles into the toaster. While his waffles are in, I thought why not get some laundry folded. I folded laundry and looked up. There is my son, standing at the baby gate saying, 'momomom' I went back to folding laundry. I got that done. I decided well I might as well put it away before it piles up in a huge mound on my dryer. My son is still standing at the gate yelling for me. 

I get that put away, and notice my bedroom needs some picking up. I do that then make my way back out to the kitchen to get my sons waffles, and I notice he is no longer standing at the gate. So what do I do? I think to myself, 'He is playing with his toys now, so I have time to get the kitchen floor swept and mopped as well as put the clean dishes away. 

I get finished, finally go to get my son's waffles. I cut them up, put them onto a plate. Put them on his high chair tray and walk into the living room to get my son. I walked into him grabbing cheese curls out of a bag that I had sitting beside the couch. He was throwing them EVERYWHERE. Stomping those into the floor. 

He must have known I went to the kitchen to get him food, which is why he was standing at the gate yelling. Then he realized I was doing other things so he took it upon his self to get something to eat. My 1 year old is smart. I got so distracted working on getting half my house cleaned while my son was making an even bigger mess in the living room. 

Moral of the story: the cleaning can wait. You will have a life time to keep a spotless home...but you children won't be small forever. Take the time, get on the floor. Play with your children. Clean when they nap and after they are in bed. They need you now more than ever. 

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